Thursday, June 24, 2010


Begin with 3-fold cleansing of stale breath.

Then practice shamatha, calm abiding to cultivate one-pointed quality of mind.

Then, without departing from this quality of one-pointedness of mind, engage in analysis. For example, read the scriptural quotes, either aloud or just mentally, in a manner as if Buddha himself was reading them to us. Listen attentively to what you are reading. Cultivate this art of recitation meditation. Specifically, there are three levels of reading the scriptural quotes:

(1) First, work on understanding of mere words, what their meaning is. Do I comprehend the meaning of the words? This is likened to a packaging of a product.
(2) Contemplate the message of the scriptural quote. Does it make sense to me? This is likened to the contents of the package. For example, if the topic of your analytical meditation is recollection of Buddha or Dharma; then what Buddha is, what Dharma is? If you were to introduce the topic of your analytical meditation to outsiders, such as the topic "Buddha", how would you present it? For example, how would you share Dharma to outsiders, such as scientists?
(3) Finally, you just rest in the result of the previous, second stage, saying "All right, this is the Buddha for me, now." When you are stuck while reading and do not understand, comprehend what is being said, do not struggle, just stay and observe that uncomfortable feeling. Learn how to rest within that situation.

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